So this was my first wedding shoot ever! Even though I was given praise for previous photo work and was recommended by a bridesmaid for the job, I was sooooo friggen nervous to handle this job. I mean, this is someones wedding for goodness sake! This is something that is not only cherished by the wedding party, but is also something this couple is going to look back on for good memories.

I was told numerous times not to worry as the wedding party was very laid back and easy to get along with. That statement was correct indeed. Joey and Sam were very welcoming, very open to what ideas I wanted to try out, and was not disappointed when we couldn't get a few of the shots we hoped for. The day was a very bright and sunny Saturday. The weather was perfect, but unfortunately the lack of cloud made some unavoidable glare. We worked with what we had.

Since I had no formal wedding photo training and not really knowing what to expect/recommend, I was basically learning as I went with regards to posing, angles, etc. Basically, I made sure that both the groom and bride were happy with their shots and what they wanted to have included in their photos. I was also very fortunate to have a bridesmaid who is also a photographer (thanks Tara!).

So I had the shoot broken down into four categories: Preparation, Arrival, Ceremony, and Celebration. For the most part, I was trying to act like a fly on the wall. I found that candid photos have the best results; when you see people's emotions without putting it into posing. I knew that for some shots such as the "Arrival" part of the shoot I would be having people striking a pose, and in awkward situations at some points. Sam and Joey did not really have a preference as to what poses they wanted but definitely wanted me to include some standard shots such as bridesmaids, wedding party, etc. So once again, this was 'learning as we go' kind of mentality with whatever I have seen from past weddings I have attended. Seems easy right? haha
I have to commend both the wedding party and onlooking spectators. I made it clear to most people at the wedding that this is my first shoot. When they asked what else I have done, I calmly responded with "ohhh you know some heavy metal and rock shows". That got some interesting looks that's for sure. haha
As for the wedding party, they were all very helpful, courteous, and gave me the heads up when they saw something I didn't. Thankfully I had my friend Sarah as my assistant for the day (she did the guy's preparation photos and additional snaps during the ceremony). Thanks again Sarah for your help!

Did I have fun shooting this wedding? 100% absolutely! Was I stressed and had anxiety to get the right shot? You're damn right I did. Will I do another wedding in the future? Most likely not. As much as I was happy to be part of their special day and having some satisfied customers, I know there is the potential it may not go as smooth next time. And I NEVER want to be responsible for screwing up someones wedding day. That's just a personal choice.

After looking through them all once more as I type this, I am pretty pleased with the outcome (as well as the wedding party). Maybe in the future when I have more shoots under my belt will I start looking into weddings once more. I will agree that being involved in the wedding gave me a different perspective than an onlooker.
Fabulous photos Andrew. I love the train shot❤