So a very last minute approval for a show had me running from my day job to home to grab my gear and had back downtown for Creed's Scott Stapp as he was performing at The Opera House on Queen East. A pretty packed house gave some comfort knowing his solo career has been good to him. His latest release, "Proof of Life" was a pretty decent effort which he put quite a bit of time into. All in all, I was happy to see the vocalist for the first time in my life.
Met a few friendly people there including a great guy named Reese. He was shooting on behalf of Stapp's Christian distribution label in Canada (David C Cook) and was even willing to let me use some lenses if need be. I don't recall a photographer ever offering me something like that. Even though I wanted to take him up on the offer, my progressing migraine started to really kick in halfway through the show and I had to bounce out of there. For the time I was at the show, I will tell you now that the sound was perfect, the lighting was pretty good, the energy from Stapp + band was immense, and the crowd ate up every song.
When going through the photos, I suggest you take a listen to some of his solo work or Creed as he started things off with his new single "Slow Suicide" and Creed's "What If". Two badass songs to open with and even had me banging my head when I was supposed to be taking photos. If anyone is skeptical about seeing this guy on a solo career, I wouldn't let it bother you too much. He puts on a great performance with a great setlist!