Tuesday, 28 January 2014

RISK: Lord of the Rings


Sherwood Park (January 26th, 2014)

So as I mentioned yesterday when giving a preview photo on Facebook, I went for a walk through a park not too far down from my apartment.  Its got a nice path that connects about 3 separate parks into one long one that stretches for a good 2-3km.  The last time I went for a walk down her was during the ice storm Toronto suffered back in December, 2013.  The City of Toronto has been backlogged with tons of service requests for the city, I can see why a smaller stretch of park is going to take longer than others.

Nonetheless, I saw the snow starting to fall outside, I grabbed a cup of tea, and went for a walk through the park.  Here's the funny part though.  Since I had a tea in my hand it wasn't really convenient for me to carry my large camera and camera bag around with me on this walk.  So I decided to test the strength of my phone camera instead.  Knowing that it has some rather good auto-focus and a decent camera (13MP), I thought to see how it would do against the snow and cold weather.  The black and white session came out great and couldn't be happier!